Mar 12, 2025
Academic Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
LALW222 Fantasy Worlds 3cr Modern fantasy literature consists of fantastic stories set in imagined worlds. It features characters created by the author rather than drawn directly from traditional myths and legends. The course examines the origins of the genre, which emerged during the nineteenth century, and which has taken both epic and satiric forms. Although some attention is given to the legends, folktales, and romances that provided models and inspiration to fantasy authors, the main focus is on the classic works of the genre. Students are assigned one critical paper, one final project (create and illustrate an imaginary world that would provide a framework for fantasy fiction), bi-weekly blogs, and oral presentations. Forty to sixty minutes of class time allotted to Student Workshop/Critiques, in which students develop work-in-progress to present to instructor and peers for discussion, assessment, and advice towards course goals.
Prerequisites: LALW100