Feb 07, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2019-2020 
Academic Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



College Academic Sharing Program (CAPS)

Full-time degree seeking students at MassArt may take as many as 18 credits during their academic careers at CAPS colleges without a formal transfer of credit. Courses must not be available at MassArt. CAPS colleges include: Bridgewater State University; Fitchburg State University; Framingham State University; Massachusetts Maritime Academy; Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts; Salem State University; Westfield State University and Worcester State University.

Colleges of the Fenway

The Colleges of the Fenway, established in 1996, consists of six neighboring colleges with diverse academic missions: MassArt; Emmanuel College, MCPHS University; Simmons University; and Wentworth Institute of Technology. Full-time degree seeking students enrolled at one of these institutions can cross register at any of the other four colleges at no additional charge, and they have access to the educational resources at all of the schools.

The collaboration’s joint initiatives are aimed at improving the quality of education, enriching student experiences, and reducing costs while ensuring that each college keeps its individual identity. Located in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area of Boston, these colleges are adjacent to the Fenway Cultural District. Each has its own unique mission and offers a world of learning and experience on and off the campus. The Colleges of the Fenway represents over 10,000 full-time undergraduate students, 1,000 full-time faculty, and over 3,000 different course offerings.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Specific departments at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology offer a limited course selection for cross registration for full-time degree seeking students. Eligibility guidelines and application are available in the Office of the Registrar.


The ProArts Consortium includes Berklee College of Music; Boston Architectural College; Boston Conservatory; Emerson College; School of the Museum of Fine Arts, and MassArt. Potentially all courses at ProArts member colleges are available to full-time degree seeking students through cross-registration. Unless specified, the only restrictions are availability of class space and the fulfilling of prerequisites. To select a course, look through the member colleges’ course catalogs and class schedules and the ProArts combined course listing, available on each campus in the office of the registrar and advising. There is no extra tuition charge for cross-registration. Students pay normal tuition to their home colleges. Additional laboratory or materials fees, if any, are paid to the host college. Students should check with the Office of the Registrar to determine if a specific ProArts course may be applied to fulfillment of degree requirements.

In addition to cross-registration opportunities, ProArts students can participate in events, lectures, performances, and exhibit openings at the other colleges. Initiatives of the ProArts colleges include helping to found the Boston Arts Academy, the city’s first arts high school.

Public Colleges Exchange Program

The four public colleges in Boston (Bunker Hill Community College; Roxbury Community College; University of Massachusetts/Boston; and MassArt) permit full-time degree seeking students to take up to two courses in any semester at another of the colleges as long as the courses are not offered at the student’s home institution. To cross register for a class at another college, obtain a coss-registration form from the registrar.