Jun 26, 2024  
Academic Catalog 2015-2016 
Academic Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

MPSM351 Public Art and Context 3cr.

In this course, students investigate the
relationship between context and performative art
practices such as performance art, interactive
sculpture, intervention art, etc. Through
presentations, exercises and assignments,
students will examine how various environments
impact audience and artistic intention. Students
explore strategies for making work in non-art
designated situations while developing an
understanding of their ideal context to be making
work in. Students learn various methods of
researching place to evolve their understanding
of site-specificity. Students discuss the ethics
of making work in public and experiment with
methods of documentation. This course includes
several opportunities to make work off campus.
Students learn how to write and prepare proposal
materials for developed art projects that site
public spaces.

Undergraduate Elective